Being homeless in Colorado is painful and becomes even more burdensome when the trauma of the holidays arrives. Many people, especially in Boulder County, simply can’t afford housing and have no support network.

Some people become homeless after a stint in jail, but more often homelessness comes first and is the cause of trouble with the law due to activities that are legal indoors but illegal in public (drinking, urinating, sleeping etc).
Fortunately, in Boulder County there is a non-profit called HOPE (Homeless Outreach Providing Encouragement) that is helping to address the problem. HOPE’s mission is to provide life-sustaining and supportive services for homeless individuals to encourage stability and self-sufficiency.

Restorative Botanicals is offering to help support HOPE through the holidays. During December, the donation partnership includes:
- Contributing $1 from every order placed through our online store
- Donating hemp extract products for HOPE’s clients to enjoy
- Employee donation of needed personal items like men’s shoes, coats, boots and gloves.
When you buy Restorative Botanical's hemp extract products in December, know that someone else in need will be receiving a comparable product and a little bit of love as well.